Google New Algorithm Update [Latest]

Last Updated 2 months ago

Google New Algorithm Update 2025 [Latest] – Know how the Search Engine evolve from last few decades. How they improvised there process & designs to focusing User prospectus. Our Google New Algorithm Update Timeline you with that. We mention & Old All Google New Algorithm Update List helps you to know about improvisations on google. Check Now All Google New Algorithm Update.

Google New Algorithm Update [Latest]

Google New Algorithm Update in 2025

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Google Old Algorithm Updates

Google New Algorithm Update in 2014

  • Google Page Layout 3 Algorithm Update – February 2014 – This was simply a refresh of an algorithm update from 2012 when in websites presence too many ads at the top of their pages, or with ads considered too distracting to users were penalized.
  • Google Panda 4.0 Algorithm Update – May 2014 – The latest enhancement to the panda update. Sources say this was a softer update and some sites got a boost that was previously hit by this update.
  • Google Payday Loan 3.0 Algorithm Update – May 2014 – This update amended Google’s measure and location ranking parameters in the algorithm. Official statements suggested that 2.0 targeted specific sites, while 3.0 targeted spammy queries.
  • Google Pigeon Algorithm Update – July 2014 – Google refreshed its local search algorithm to incorporate more signals from a traditional search like knowledge graph, spelling correction, synonyms and more.
  • Google HTTPS/SSL Algorithm Update – August 2014 – Secure sites were to receive a slight boost in rankings, as Google announced that encrypted sites would be given a degree of preference. Google has given that advances could become more significant in the future.
  • Google Authorship Removed Algorithm Update – August 2014 – Google formally declared that authorship markup would be completely discharged from the SERPs overnight.
  • Google Panda 4.1 Algorithm Update – September 2014 – Panda 4.1 began earlier September second week and will remain into next week, playing moreover of queries. According to Google, we’ve been able to discover a few more signals to help Panda identify low-quality content more precisely.
  • Google Pirate 2.0 Algorithm Update – October 2014 – After getting a plenty of analysis, Google declares a blog updating us on what it is currently doing to tackle online piracy.
  • Google Penguin 3.0 Algorithm Update – October 2014 – The first amendment of the Penguin algorithm in additionally a year is made and run out. Many sites reported fluctuations, but Google can release limited details.
  • Google Payday Loan 2.0 Algorithm Update – October 2014 – Many sites listed ranking changes, but this update was never approved by Google. Various rank tracking engines and website owners challenged major fluctuations in Google search rankings.

Google New Algorithm Update in 2013

  • Google Panda #24 Algorithm Update – January 2013 – Matt Cutts talked about the next Panda update saying that it will be the last update before integrating it into the search algorithm. He also recommended using Fetch as
  • Google Domain Crowding Algorithm Update – Google Phantom Update – May 2013 – The business reported significant ranking variations consistent with an algorithm update nearby 9th May. Nobody understood what truly occurred, but many reported negative movements in rankings.
  • Google Panda #24 Algorithm Update – January 2013 – Matt Cutts talked about the next Panda update saying that it will be the last update before integrating it into the search algorithm. He also recommended using Fetch as
  • Google Domain Crowding Algorithm Update – May 2013 – The business reported significant ranking variations consistent with an algorithm update nearby 9th May. Nobody understood what truly occurred, but many reported negative movements in rankings.
  • Google Penguin 2.0 Algorithm Update – May 2013 – The 4th Penguin update arrived with only moderate impact. The exact nature of the changes was unclear.
  • Google Multi-week Algorithm Update – June 2013 – Google had earlier declared that it constantly examined changes, without those differences significantly becoming permanent updates. Matt Cutts warned that updates over several weeks might be taking place.
  • Google Panda Dance Algorithm Update – June 2013 – Matt Cutts published vital information that Panda was not in a state of ever flux but was preferably refreshed on a monthly basis, with each stage taking around 10 days to make changes.
  • Google Payday Loan Algorithm Update – June 2013 – Payday loan and pornographic sites, which were often known to benefit from spammy practices. Google introduced one of its most industry-specific updates yet on 11th June.
  • Google Hummingbird Algorithm Update – August 2013 – This algorithm update was a specific infrastructure change mostly likened to the Caffeine update in 2010, leading to massive advances in semantic search and the Knowledge Graph.
  • Google In-depth Articles Algorithm Update – August 2013 – Fresh, quality content was once repeatedly pushed to the forth of industry investigations, as Google included new news results called in-depth articles. Only the very pure,
    ever-green and generic content would gain display within these results.
  • Google Penguin 2.1 Algorithm Update – October 2013 – After some relaxation, Google started another Penguin update. Given the 2.1 designations, this was apparently a data update and not a higher change to the Penguin algorithm.
  • Google Authorship Shake-up Algorithm Update – October 2013 – Matt Cutts that authorship markup could see a decline for a number of searches, and in the first half of December this was completed. Google simply considered that the volume of markup in their results was checking the quality of their results.
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Google New Algorithm Update in 2012

  • Google Panda 3.3 Algorithm Update – January 2012 – Google released another charge of search quality highlights. Many related to speed, freshness, and content quality, but one major detail was closer integration of Panda inside the main search index.
  • Google Panda 3.4 Algorithm Update – March 2012 – Here indicates yet another Panda update, which was announced at the same time as it was being rolled out. Google published this update via Twitter directly as it was rolling out. They determined that the update impacted 1.6% of queries.
  • Google Panda 3.5 Algorithm Update – April 2012 – Originally ways it’s a webspam update. The update mainly focused on over optimization done through keyword stuffing, spam links, etc. Alerts were announced by Google through Webmaster tools. The websites massively penalized for not accompanying Google’s Guidelines.
  • Google Panda 3.6 Algorithm Update – April 2012 – Google rolled out yet another 3.5 Panda data update. The implications of this update were unclear, and it seemed that the impact was nearly small.
  • Google Parked Domain Bug Algorithm Update – April 2012 – A data error produced some websites to be confused for parked domains, which provisionally affected rankings. Google verified the error and reported that it was not an
    intentional algorithm change. This was not an intentional algorithm change.
  • Google Fred Penguin Algorithm Update – April 2012 – Google announces Penguin in April with a blog post entitled at Another step to reward high-quality sites. The initial intention of Penguin is to restrict rankings for sites
    that violate Google’s quality guidelines. Google performs a point of discovering White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO and encourages webmasters to continue creating high-quality sites that create positive user experiences.
  • Google Knowledge Graph Algorithm Update – May 2012 – The goal, according to Google, is to help users discover information more quickly and easily. The Knowledge Graph appears in the form of panels to the right of a user’s results.
  • Google Knowledge Graph Penguin – 1.1 Algorithm Update – May 2012 – Google introduces the Knowledge Graph in May 2012. The goal, according to Google, is to help users discover information more quickly and easily. The Information Graph seems in the form of panels to the right of a user’s results.
  • Google Panda 3.7 Algorithm Update – June 2012 – Google published their monthly Search Highlights, with 39 to 40 updates in May. Important changes incorporated Penguin improvements, genuine link-scheme detection, changes to title / snippet rewriting, and updates to Google News.
  • Google Panda 3.8 Algorithm Update – June 2012 – Google rotated out another Panda data refresh, but this seemed to be data only and had a much smaller impact than Panda 3.7
  • Google Panda 3.9 Algorithm Update – July 2012 – A month after Panda 3.8, Google rolled out a new Panda update. Rankings fluctuated for 5-6 days, although no single day was high enough to stand out.
  • Google Panda 3.9.1 and 3.9.2 Update – August 2012 – Google made a significant change to the Top 10, limiting it to 7 results for many queries. Our research showed that this change rolled out over a couple of days, finally
    impacting about 18% of the keywords we tracked.
  • Google August/September 65 pack Algorithm Update – August 2012 – Google freed two months’ value of changes in one update. August and September marked a total of 65 changes, including reforms to local search and page quality evaluation.
  • Google Exact Match Domain (EMD) Algorithm Update – September 2012 – Before this update, it looked as Exact Match Domain were getting a boost. So for instance, if you wanted to rank for “seo consultant” having would be a huge boost. This also plays into the over optimization penalties. Now it’s confirmed that you just get brand domains / non-keyword rich domains to help avoid over optimization of URLs.
  • Google Penguin 3 Algorithm Update – October 2012 – Penguin 3 was released. The update was data-based and not algorithmic. This conflicted with industry expectations that this would be a important update.
  • Google Page Layout 2 Algorithm Update – October 2012 – As per our observation, Google had already started to penalize websites with too much display ads space at the top of their pages in January and this was an update to that system. Nobody identified if it was an algorithmic or data-based change.
  • Google Panda #22 Algorithm Update – November 2012 – Google worked out their 22 Panda update, roughly 5 weeks after Panda #20. This update was reported to be smaller, officially impacting of English Language searches.
  • Google Panda #23 Algorithm Update – November 2012 – Google added Information Graph options to non-English searches, including French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Italian. This update was more than just translation and added enhanced capabilities.

Google New Algorithm Update in 2011

  • Google Overstock Penalty Algorithm Update – January 2011 – Google naturally take reaction against spam to next level with this update. Refused black hat SEO activity carried out by webmasters and subsequently penalizing the site. JCPenney was also penalized and outed in the same way.
  • Google Attribution Algorithm Update – January 2011 – After the appearance of several high-profile guideline violations, Google preferred actions to reduce the impact of scrapers by changing the way the algorithm treated content attribution. Most of searches were affected, but it was clear that Google was warming up for something larger.
  • Google Farmer & Panda Algorithm Updates – February 2011 – Content farms Web sites full of pop up and displays ads or thin content and other low-quality tactics were targeted, with the update beating European search businesses in April 2011. This was an atomic strike on spam, focusing low-quality websites and exercise, not in line with Google’s Quality Guidelines.
  • Google Panda 2.1 Algorithm Update – May 2011 – Google began to enter data about sites that users had chosen to block. This behavioral data would give Google a signal of sites that users did not desire to see and which
    therefore may be presenting a poor user experience.
  • Google Panda 2.2 Algorithm Update – June 2011 – Google moved to update Panda affected sites and data, and the updated version was officially confirmed. Panda updates occurred separately from the main index and not in real-time.
  • Google Algorithm Update – June 2011 – Data needs structure and Google, supporting with Yahoo and Microsoft recognized, adding support for a range of new schema markups. Binding data to allow for enriched SERP results would be the outcome of this update.
  • Google Panda 2.3 Algorithm Update – July 2011 – A tiny upgradation is happening into the Panda filter, but specifics were difficult to make out, as only very limited information was available.
  • Google Panda 2.4 Update – July 2011 – Google Panda continued global, as all major languages except 3 countries Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Were covered by algorithm changes, transforming searches in the appropriate local markets.
  • Google Expanded Site-links Update – August 2011 – An improvement of search snippets revealed in the SERPs, Google included expanded site links to provide yet more knowledge beneath each sitelink displayed.
  • Google Panda Flux 8 Update – October 2011 – Yet another series of small changes to Panda was declared by Matt Cutts on Twitter. The series of changes would bring about a period of Panda-related flux in the next few weeks.
  • Google Query Encryption Algorithm Update – October 2011 – SEO is hate this algorithm update because this update is not provided (Shown in) Analytics. Primarily, Google started encrypting data when the searcher is logged in for privacy reasons. This makes it much harder to understand where your organic traffic is coming from.
  • Google Panda 3.1 or 9 Algorithm Update – November 2011 – As per Informed by Matt Cutt’s the Panda-related flus and another two Panda Algorithm Updates was happning in this period. Everyone has been excited about this Panda-related update. Many in the search community had dropped some of which update was what number, and so discussions from this point would focus more on significant changes to the algorithm.
  • Google 10 Pack Algorithm Update – November 2011 – Matt Cutts declared that 8 to 10 specific algorithm updates and also give brief about that its possible to post in every month. The changes focus on freshness, related doubt enrichment and detection of parked domains. Again, there were no dates, but it was fabulous to have more detail around the goings-on at Google.
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  • Google May Day ( Matt Cutts ) Algorithm Update – May 2010 – In late April and early May, webmasters marked notable falls in their long-tail traffic. Matt Cutts later validated that May Day was an algorithm change impacting the
    long-tail. Google was punishing sites with thin content by cutting off a major chunk of their long tail traffic.
  • Google Caffeine (Official Roll-out) Algorithm Update – June 2010 – Finally Roll-Out Caffeine infrastructure update. Google SERP improve the speed of search results, but also 50% Fresher Index. Google had brought crawling and indexing even closer together.
  • Google Brand Algorithm Update – August 2010 – Google started to shown same domain multiple times in search results. It helps to many brands for enhancing the visibility in search results. Before this updates, Google allows only one or two results discernibility of same domain in search results.
  • Google Instant Previews Algorithm Update – September 2010 – In this update Google allowed its users to preview pages within the SERPs using a magnifying icon. This focused on landing page quality, usability and design. With Google
    Instant, search results were displayed and changed as users typed their queries. These predictions made search even faster than before, but the feature’s impact on SEO was minimal.
  • Google Social Signals Algorithm Update – December 2010 – Google agree in the ranking algorithm are included available in the search community, Specifically mention Twitter, Microsoft and Facebook signals via OG and Twitter meta tags. The Matt Cutts declare it that was a recent change in Algorithm.
  • Google Negative Reviews Algorithm Update – December 2010 – Google decides to improvised its algorithm regarding response to a report in the New York Times that indicates negative review of the business which had provided increased visibility for the e-commerce sites. Sites whose ranking in Search engines from benefitting from negative reviews were targeted and their visibility adjusted accordingly.


  • Google Canonical Tag Algorithm Updates – February 2009 – The Magjor search engine like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft announced canonical tag to support campaigns. This canonicalization signals to be sent by webmasters without any effect on human visitors.
  • Google Places Algorithm Updates – April 2009 – Although Places pages were rolled out in September of 2009, they were originally only a part of Google Maps. Thsi algorithm is official launch of Google Places re-branded the Local Business Center.
  • Google Caffeine Preview Algorithm Updates – August 2009 – one of the most tremendous modifications to Google’s infrastructure deliberate up to now, Google took the precaution of freeing a beta model for public checking out. The destiny update could convey faster crawl speeds and a considerably improved index.
  • Google Real Time Algorithm Updates – December 2009 – Immediately indexation and incorporate ranking was started. This change makes for intended speed up crawling and enlarge total index. Freshly indexing content, Twitter Feeds, Google News and other sources were shown together on some search engines at time feed format.


  • Google Dewey Algorithm Updates – August 2008 – After nearly four years of checking out, Google recommend drops in August of 2008. advocate seems in aggregate at searches related to a given query, then lists popular searches containing that query in a drop-down panel.
  • Google Vince Algorithm Updates – August 2008 – This algorithm update is mostly preferred for major brands. This had shown the minor effect in Google SERPs Result. But this makes a major effect on many small brands.
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  • Google Universal Search Algorithm Updates – May 2007 – Google makes major changes in displayed SERPs result. Google stats that they show traditionally vertical 10 site listing. Search, Video, Images, News and other content relevant to users search query were now displayed among results for relevant websites.
  • Google Buffy Algorithm Updates – May 2007 – This update is called as “Buffy” because Vanessa Fox was leaving Google. It is pretty unclear what actually happened with this change, but Matt Cutts provided that Buffy was just a large amount of smaller changes.


  • Google Nofollow Algorithm Change – January 2005 – This Algorithm update introduced the ” nofollow ” link attribute to moderate the outbound links and reduced the spam of websites. It helps to enhance and maintain outbound link quality. Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft all introduce this at the same time.
  • Google Bourbon Algorithm Change – February 2005 – GoogleGuy posted the something like 3.5 changes in search quality. Webmaster world members appreciate changes to take action against Duplicate content, Non-Canonical ( www vs non-www ) URLs.
  • Google Allegra Algorithm Change – February 2005 – Webmasters show the changes but its unspecified and uncleared. Some thought Allegra affected the “sandbox” while others believed that LSI had been tweaked. Also, action to penalize suspicious links.
  • Google Personalized Algorithm Change – June 2005 – Google started the more relevant information about the user search query. Google starts collecting data about user search terms to provide relevant information to them, make search more personalized.
  • Google XML Sitemaps Algorithm Change – June 2005 – Google allowed the webmaster to submit the XML sitemaps in place on HTML Sitemap. SEO control all over how their sites were crawled and indexed. XML sitemaps help to tell the intended structure of websites and also its auto updated features.
  • Google Gilligan Algorithm Change – June 2005 – This update is false update. Webmaster saw changes but Google claimed no major algorithm update occurred. Matt Cutts write an article explaining about updatation.
  • Google Jagger Algorithm Change – October 2005 – This is a first local algorithm update. This update targeted to pure spam actions. Google merged the map data with its local business center thus focusing the more local
    search. Helps to reduce poor quality reciprocal and paid links also the link farms penalize. This would eventually drive how Local SEO functions in the future.
  • Google Big Daddy Caffeine Algorithm Change – October 2005 – Just like the Caffeine update, Big Daddy was intended to update infrastructure. This update came out over the course of 3 months and finished in March. Canonicalization and redirects like 301 and 302 were changed by Big Daddy.


  • Google Austin Algorithm Update – January 2004 – Google Austin update introduced to overlap the Florida updates to restrict or control demotivate on-page techniques. In this updates there are Meta tag stuffing and Invisible text etc. those tactics restricted. Some speculated that Google put the algorithm into play and began to take page relevance seriously.
  • Google IPO Brandy Algorithm Update – February 2004 – This updates improvised a few more changes including large index expansion and Latent Semantic Indexing ( LSI ). The Google SERP’s capable to understood new synonyms. The update also lead to more attention to anchor content relevance.


  • Google Algorithm Update Florida – January 2003 – The Google Florida updates in the map. Many sites lost ranking because of this updates and business owners were furious. Spammy sites from till 90’s are finally obsoleted.
  • Google Cassandra Algorithm Update – February 2003 – It is a Google first official algorithm update with a name is launched. This marked the start of ongoing index updates, which caused periodic fluctuations in rankings in some verticals.
  • Google Boston Algorithm Update – April 2003 – Google take action against hidden text and links in web pages, penalizing also the relevant treated sites. This update is known as first major action against poor quality link building and spam. This was named after a pizza restaurant in Boston!
  • Google Dominic Algorithm Update – May 2003 – Google makes another major change in crawls and analysis of backlink source. This update plays a major role to set the tone of communication in the future Google Updates, Google provides only limited information about this update.
  • Google Esmeralda Algorithm Update – June 2003 – This was the last scheduled monthly update from Google. After this, a continuous update process was started. Google Dance was replaced by something called Everflux. This update definitely had some huge structural changes regarding Google.
  • Google Fritz Algorithm Update – July 2003 – Now Google changes the indexing on daily basis. Google crawler fetch the information from web pages a day to day. The index changed every single day.
  • Google Supplemental Index Algorithm Update – September 2003 – Google started to rank or index primary pages which are more valuable and relevant to the query or search terms. Using its PageRank technology, Google sifts out pages of less importance.
  • Google Fred Florida Update – September 2003 – Google Introduced First algorithm against Keyword Stuffing. Keyword stuffers were hit for the first time, in one of Google’s most significant strikes in the war on spam.


  • Documented Algorithm Change – September 2002 – This was Google’s first publicly announced algorithm change. It saw a downfall in the quality of Google’s SERP’s and gained a lot of criticism from the webmasters Tool.


  • Dancing The Google Dance – December 2000 – Dancing the Google Dane is first to update introducing by Google, as per the information in this algorithm Webmasters started watching Toolbar Page Rank ( TBPR ), the Google Dance began. Google Launches The Google Toolbar.

Dipesh Pednekar

Dipesh Pednekar is a Digital Marketing Consultant in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He has 6 years of expertise in 25+ industries and 100+ brands in both B2B and B2C segments. He has previously served clients in the USA, UK, Canada, Dubai, Australia, etc. across the world.

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